Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell
Official Fantasy Art Website of Boris and Julie
The official website of Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell features a collection of original fantasy paintings and drawings available for purchase, a gallery of corporate and advertising art, and a print gallery store of fantasy and wildlife art.
Boris Vallejo
America’s premier fantasy artist. His works are known and loved around the world. Boris is famous for his illustrations of Tarzan, Conan the Barbarian, Doc Savage and many other fantasy characters, as well as movie poster illustration, advertisement illustration, and artwork for collectibles, trading cards, and sculpture.
Julie Bell
A world renowned, award winning fantasy artist and wildlife painter. Julie has won two Chelsea Awards and was the designer of the popular and award-winning Dragons of Destiny series. She also has won numerous first place awards in the Art Renewal Center’s International Salon and has been named as a Living Master.
Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell are married and the two often collaborate on projects. They have worked on many paintings together for advertising campaigns such as Nike, Inc., Coca-Cola, and Toyota.